Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Dreaming Shows Good Things.

Love is the little dry leaf
Inside your desk
Where a folded tissue accompanies
Other motley assortments
That you possess.

You've creeped into my morning dreams. Is this a sign? I'll let that pass for now.

- I've decided to leave the door ajar. You could be entering or leaving, as long as we're moving onward, forward. Yes? Because only now do I see some faint distinction between love and relationships. Some misconstrued conversations and several nights later, I've decided to leave the door ajar, so you could do with me as you please. Because only now do I see that I'm in love, not for the first time, no, but there's something here I would like to watch transpire. Strange morning dreams indicate happiness if I'm reading them right. And you, you knowitall God of all things, you I shall worship from my own brittle pedestal of steel. Because only now do I see the truth in your words. The truth that I see falling from the evening skies outside our home. This is meant to be.

Why not, right?


Sara said...

Admirable use of words. Exquisite.

Lolopookie said...

Using the quote in the beginning for my status message. :) Beautiful it is.

vimal said...

good things come to those who wait.